Friday, August 29, 2008

Biggs Learns about Animals

Lol, so one day a couple weeks ago, my Dad started yelling at me to take the dog out. It was probably around 10:30pm and I was NOT feeling it at all. But nevertheless, I have to take care of my responsibilities. So I grab his leash, and Biggs and I are out the back door. I try to take him on different routes, just in case he ever gets lost, maybe he'll be able to find his way back home. Tonight, we head down to the other side of Canterbury Ct. which normally I avoid in the mornings, because of these weird little crayfish that are done there. Lol, seriously I can hardly contain myself as I try to give the story. So we're walkin, we're walking...lalala down the street, and Biggs walks into a patch of grass. As soon as he steps in the grass, this black dot, hops up into the air right in his path. The dot jumps, Biggs jumps, and then I jump. I quickly recovered my composure; however, after realizing that it was just a frog. But Biggs is totally converged on this new, weird whatsitsname, and stares it down. I gently try to convince him that's its alright, and go to pat his back. Biggs shoots up in the air again, this time almost as high as my head, because he thinks another frog is out to get him. Lol, I cried laughing all the way home...Whew, that was funny!

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